
My research focuses on the role of information and expectations for workers in determining labor market dynamics, specifically business cycles and wage bargaining.

Work in Progress

Beliefs, Aggregate Productivity and Wages: Role of expectation in labor market dynamics

The project analyses firm responses when workers are uninformed about their productivity. Firms face a heterogeneous work force with a measure of uninformed workers who demand wages that are not linked to the current productivity. The model is discplined through application to Shimer-Puzzle.

Presented at : AMES 2023 at NTU Singapore, Winter Conference 2023 at ISI Delhi, Advanced Graduate Workshop 2023 at APU Bengaluru, Junior Economics Seminar at NYUAD (Abu Dhabi), Free University Berlin (2024)

Labor Costs, Social Contribution and Firm Dynamics

- Joint with Etienne Wasmer, Raul Santaeulalia Llopis and Christian Aleman Pericon

In this we explore impact on firm dynamics of changing labor costs as social contribution towards employee welfare changes

The Distributional Impact of Migration: Evidence of German Housing Market

- Joint with Nicolas Syrichas
Preliminary work on the effect of migration on housing prices in the German Market through the lens of search model. 

Research Assistance

Mission Bozio-Wasmer pour le Premier Ministre | Les politiques d'exonérations de cotisations sociales : une inflexion nécessaire (2023-2024)

Research support to Etienne Wasmer; Link to the policy report!

A breath of fresh air: Raising awareness for clean fuel adoption (2018-2019)

Research Assistant to Farzana Afridi; Link to the cool paper!